Model tests

Model testing

Model tests

In most projects, physical model tests are carried out to confirm or optimise breakwater and shore protection design. Model testing with Xbloc model units is done at hydraulic laboratories all over the world. Model tests are also carried out to increase the scientific knowledge on the behaviour of single layer armour units, and to test new applications. Since 2008 DMC offers 2D physical model tests for breakwaters and shore protections in their state-of-the-art wave flume in Gouda, The Netherlands.

Model units

Xbloc model armour units can be rented from DMC. Many different sizes are available to suit the required model scale.


In the DMC wave flume we can study the following items:

  • Stability of breakwater armour layer
  • Toe and crest stability
  • Overtopping
  • Wave pressures and forces on structures
  • Reflection and transmission coefficients
  • Wave run-up
  • Scour